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Phaedri Fabulae in Usum Scholarum Selectae : Fables Selected from Phaedrus, for the Use of S... by Phaedrus, Bradley, C., Whit... ISBN: 9781165501472 List Price: $29.56
Incandescent Electric Lighting : A Practical Description of the Edison System (1890) by Latimer, L. H., Field, C. J... ISBN: 9781165555277 List Price: $28.76
U S v. Standard Rice Co U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Supporting Pleadings by JOHN C WHITE, Additional Co... ISBN: 9781270333043 List Price: $34.99
U.S. v. Anderson, Clayton & Co. U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Supporting Plea... by SIMON E SOBELOFF, JOHN C WH... ISBN: 9781270411864 List Price: $44.99
National Labor Relations Board, Petitioner, v. Decaturville Sportswear Co., Inc., et al. U.S... by JOHN C MILLER, CHARLES HAMP... ISBN: 9781270647904 List Price: $36.99
White Motor Corp v. Stewart (Finis) U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Supporting ... by C J WATTS, JOHN W NORMAN ISBN: 9781270534112 List Price: $30.99
H. E. White, Charles R. Hall, Jennings Lilly, et al., Appellants, v. Albert Anson, Jr., et a... by HAYDEN C COVINGTON, JOHN O ... ISBN: 9781270417071 List Price: $33.99
John M. Hartzberg and Louis Hartzberg, Co-Partners, Doing Business Under the Firm Name and S... by HENRY H SHEPARD, C AUSTIN W... ISBN: 9781270397113 List Price: $28.99
Medical Genetics by Jorde, Lynn B., Carey, John... ISBN: 9780815146087 List Price: $41.95
Medical Genetics by Lynn B. Jorde, John C. Care... ISBN: 9780815148142 List Price: $41.00
Annotations to the Book of Luelen by Fischer, John L., Riesenber... ISBN: 9780824805333 List Price: $8.50
Age of Strata Referred to the Ellensburgh Formation in the White Bluffs of the Columbia River by Merriam, John C. And Buwalda ISBN: 9781179183916 List Price: $32.75
Age of Strata Referred to the Ellensburgh Formation in the White Bluffs of the Columbia River by Merriam, John C. And Buwalda ISBN: 9781231174579 List Price: $19.99
Kipper und Wipper Inflation, 1619-23 : An Economic History with Contemporary German Broadsheets by Paas, Martha White, Paas, J... ISBN: 9780300146769 List Price: $85.00
White Dove : Otherwise Known As Alex by Burt, John C. ISBN: 9780368823251 List Price: $34.95
White Dove : Otherwise Known As Alex by Burt, John C. ISBN: 9780368823268 List Price: $55.95
Abdominal Surgery of Infancy and Childhood by Willliam L Donnellan, Ken K... ISBN: 9783718654093 List Price: $526.00
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